CBSE Affiliation:
The school is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education and students are prepared for the All India Secondary School Exams (Class X) and the All India Secondary School Certificate Examination (Class XII).

One of the biggest campuses in the city:
School campus more than 4 acres, well ventilated classroom, uninterrupted power supply, good sanitary condition, ideal seating arrangement, separate well equipped laboratory for junior and senior students for Physics, Chemistry and Biology, well equipped computer labs with more than 100 computers, Rich library, Magazines and Reading room enable the students get success, Audio-Video hall, Kid Auditorium, Optimum students Teachers ratio.
100 % result in 10 and 12th:
Cent per cent result in class X & XII in the Board Examination for many consecutive years. Students occupy positions in district as well as state level. Our school started in 1984 and till date a large number of students passed Xth & XIIth board examination. Many of them are successful in IIT, Medical, Management, Computer Science, Defence, Banking and even sports & Music too. Most of our alumni have successfully occupied prestigious positions in society.

Building competitive aptitude:
School provide opportunity to participate in different competitive exam to build up competitive aptitude from very beginning.
- National Cyber Olympiad
- National Science Olympiad
- National English Olympiad
- Inter National Mathematics Olympiad
- All India Talent Search
- IAIS Exam. By Macmillan India Ltd for Science, Math & English
Smart class, smart learning!
Corona or no Corona, education must never suffer. Under study from home, online classes have been made available to the students.

Social service:
School students under guidance of the Principal extend help to society. They take keen interest and render service and donation to different activities i.e. Helpage India, Red Cross Society, Leprosy Mission, C.M. Relief fund etc.
Also extended co-operation to administration eg. Public Police week, Health Awareness Program, AID Awareness Program, Environment Awareness Program. All this helped students to inculcate responsibility towards the society.
Cultural Achievement:
School celebrates its annual function every year. Students participate and perform in various cultural programs and groom their latent talent.
In 2006 our school represented at the National level “Patriotic Song” competition organized by Bharat Vikas Parishad.
Our school students represented at National level in, “I Revived the Mahatma” organized by The Leprosy Mission Trust of India, Muzaffarpur.

Teaching Aid:
In order to give crystal clear explanations for better education school has Slide Projector, Overhead Projector and Video Projector.
School Provides facilities for various sports from time to time and encourages the students by giving prizes. In Chess, Table tennis, Lawn tennis, and Cricket our school students participate at district and state level completion.
Science Activities:
School organized Academic exhibition / Science exhibition to inculcate scientific temper among the students. School students Science Project selected at National level in 14th National Children’s Science Congress.
School is not distinguished only for imparting quality education but also inculcating discipline among students. School has given opportunities to the students by introducing NCC as a subject in school.
Students of this institution take part in various activities organized by NCC specially on Independence day, Republic day. Cadets of this school were selected as the best Cadets of Bihar and also participated at National level.
“My dreams for my Bihar” organized by Advantage services our student’s project was selected and got an award from the Honorable Chief Minister.